
Yesterday two wonderful things happened that I will remember for the rest of my life. And they both involved hearts. (I already knew I would post a flower pic yesterday so left this one for today).

1. Twinblip1 just walked up to me and presented me with this little note she had written in her new heart shaped notebook.

2. Later, whilst having a conversation with Twinblip2 we somehow got onto the topic of transplants. This was the end of the conversation:

Me: Some people carry a special card that says their heart can be given to someone else if they die in an accident.
Twinblip2: Can they use any heart?
Me: No, it needs to be right for the person and it needs to be a good heart.
Twinblip2: They will want your heart Daddy because its got no cruelty in it at all.

mobilevirgin's blip.

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