Out on the street

Had a lovely day. First thing we went swimming with Col, G and Eliott, then we all went to a lovely road side truck stop and had bacon butties and a sit in the sun. Then we came back and just chilled at the house. Uncle Matt and Lee came over in the afternoon and we sat around the garden, uncle Matt made a great paper aeroplane which fascinated you for ages, and us too!!

We went out onto the street as Col, George, Elliot and another couple of kids, Quinn and Eden were playing out. You were out without your trousers on, as I had just changed you and it was lovely and warm. You were so funny. Eliott was sitting in his bike and you were pushing him around, giving George and Colette a break. Eliott was happy letting you push him, and you were content too. Good balance boys.

After play I took you over to your Gran and granddad for a sleep over. I am always sad to leave you, but you were happy as anything, playing with the doggies in the garden. Always miss you, but it's also good to go out and have a catch up with friends too. Sleep well baby. X

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