Marquicks by the Sea

By KarenMarquick


Busy busy busy day.

First day back at school after half term for Oliver and Samuel. Both were a bit slow getting ready, but I got them out the door on time.

Isabella and I went food shopping - a new mission - to shop at Lidl instead of Sainsbury's and to reduce our shopping bill from the usual £100. We shopped for a week for £69, so that's £31 in our holiday fund for next year.

I've also been frantically trying to sort out my online gallery for the bracelets I make and sell. I bought a domain name some time ago when an acquaintance said they would build a website for me. They let me down, but I still own the domain name.

Anyway, I've build my own site and have transferred the domain name, so I'm all up and running.

Quite proud of myself really, and my photo is of a brand new design just about to be added to my collection.

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