LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim


I couldnae be arsed going into the attic for my ticket stubs so this is slightly less rock n' roll.

The auld fella used to keep all of his Reader's Digests thinking that we kids might read them one day (feck that - although I used to read the funny stories page).

Well, as with all genetically unmodified kids I'm starting to develop the same habit. Mine are Sunday Times magazines. Left lying about the house these are a pest to my co-habitants but I'm convinced they're a good read for someone at some point. Put it this way - if it were a doctor's waiting room or a Chinese takeaway and there was one of these I hadn't read or Heat, or Woman's Weekly, or Gone Fishing - well there's no competition.

It'd be a quick look at the pictures in Heat and a hope that my noodles didn't take long...;-)

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