Toto And His Three Best Friends

The theme for MonoMonday is Three and after our walk this morning Toto very kindly gathered his three toys around him in the sunshine coming through the blinds and promptly fell asleep.

Many thanks to our new host Rainie for taking on the mammoth task of managing MonoMonday for the next month!! :)

Toto loves soft toys and we have Piggy on the left Moo at the back and Ratty in front. Ratty is probably his most favourite and he gets carted around from room to room and affectionately licked and sucked! Piggy gets taken for long runs up and down the hallway and Moo gets thrown in the air and tossed around like a leaf!

They all make a loud squeak and if you accidentally on purpose step on one while Toto is asleep he leaps into action in a most amusing way! He then takes the toy in question off to another room just in case you're thinking of stealing it! ;0)

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