cold night in manali

and then, after the tumbling skies and relentless rumbling thunders ceased, the cold returned. a night of full blankets, not so bad as to need a hat...which means it's getting warmer....actually today is bright sunshine and hot, the sun, when it appears carries some of the plains up with it at the moment...and so i did some washing.....having noted that, in the last phases, he hopes, of the giardia, the shared toilet is still across the yard in a thunderstorm...and am pretty much ready to move.

but that's today's ramble, back to yesterday. it rained. it was cold. and then about four in the afternoon the rain stopped, the cloud began to thin, it was possible to leave the balcony....and last night one of the oddest things, no idea of whether it was mood or other but, on the walk back up the hill, through the lines of shops against the shape of the street i noticed that the smell was different. astounding, eh...he noticed the smell was different, and.. and. well, and nothing really...suddenly the typical unnoticed scents were gone to be replaced by one of freshness, tinged but not overwhelmed by those of incense and spice. halflight upon the street, darkening under these new scents. oddly wonderful, absolutely insignificant other than that, writing this blip a day late, still not taken any photo's today, when i think about yesterday the moment that sticks out is this one, the realisation that the streets smelled different.

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