Let ther be light

Up early again, mass then the farmers market. After that we set off to do the Cabot Trail. Wow! it was epic. What a road. It climbs right up mountains and winds down to sea level. It took us 8hours then chubby set the bloody satnag to Antigonish instead of Antigonish town and the bloody thing took us for miles along narrower and narrow er roads until I finally said enough! I had to reverse that big assessed machine an entire mile. All the houses were deserted and looked like something out of the Shinning and he insisted I stop so he got a photo of one, I swear to God I saw a curtain twitch, I had visions of shots being fired and us being chuckud in the bloody swamp we just passed surprising a family of beaver who must have thought aliens had landed. The entire episode at dusk added an hour onto our Damn journey. Him and his toys.
Finally got to the pub where DJ was working and a full blown ceilidh was in full swing. Jeez I need a holiday
I will try to upload a link to the Shinning house tomorrow

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