With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Thanks for the loan of the horses, straw, buggy, pitchfork and bonhomie!

What a day! Last forty match, won 2-1, excellent. Cinema ....Film (Rio 2) 2-1 (I fell asleep, the boys enjoyed it mostly. Back to Soller for a photo shoot for Lynn and her musical friends, country style. I am again waiting for Google to squash the files and send them. Somebody small pressed quit a little bit inexpertly and I have to restart the whole thing. On the way home we watched a guardia civil helicopter land and pull out a body bag, take it to a police car, return to the copter and then fly off. I hope it was an exercise! Finally downloading, editing and eating Tree's tasty salmon. Thank goodness she opened the shop for me for a minute....

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