More Life of Sands

By sands

Do you think she missed me??

I left Phoenix at 11.30pm on Monday night and finally got home at 11.30am this morning!

The flight from Phoenix to London Heathrow was delayed due to the increased security measures and the lack of a tail wind across the Atlantic and we finally arrived in London at 4pm Tuesday afternoon, two and a half hours late.

I was due to travel across London to Gatwick to catch an easyJet flight up to Edinburgh but the delay meant I missed that flight and was too late to change it!

However, clever me managed to book onto a 9pm BA flight from Heathrow to Edinburgh for £37 and some BA miles - bargin!!

But the saga continues. We boarded the flight on time but then sat on the tarmac for four and a half hours waiting for the de-icing rig to de-ice the plane!

We finally arrived at Edinburgh at 2.30am this morning. My lovely friends, Paul and Ann, had kindly allowed me to stay at their place in Edinburgh so I didn't have to negotiate the icey roads to North Berwick in my tired and very jetlagged state despite not getting to them until 3.30am!

I finally got home at about 11.30am and started work at noon. How I managed to last the day I still don't know.

My gorgeous cats, Marmite and Twiglet were very pleased to see me and Twigs spent much of the afternoon lying on my desk vying for my attention, as my blip today shows!

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