Back Gairdak
Had a nice day with ze kids, food shopping, changing dollars back into pounds, BBQ in the garden, putting off tidying up 'til tomorrow.
We watched Edward Scissorhands (which the kids hadn't seen before). It's such a stylised film, usual Tim Burton vibe, gorgeous colours contrasted with the black & white roles and identities. I was explaining why the women were all in the house all day and the men turned up at night. The old skool nuclear family, breadwinner dad, housewife mum. How the dads all drove off to work in the morning and the mums stayed home to do all washing, cleaning and cook all the meals.
David (10) says to me: "1960s America was a dystopia for women then".
That was one of my proudest parenting moment yet. I remember telling him the difference between utopias vs. dystopias a few months ago. Very chuffed to hear it's all sinking in.
Reminds you how spongelike these wee bams are. With great power comes great responsibility.
Lots of love,
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