Get down from your tree house sitting in the sky

Tooli is home.

I know this due to the constant lack of mugs on the mug tree. The pile of once used glasses on the side, and the endless quantities of Quorn in the fridge, as well as glasses of "detox" juice in the fridge.

I have just watched her do her "Blogilates" on the living room floor, whilst waiting for the rain to stop, so that she can run a "quick 5km".

To be honest, if she thought for one moment that I was going to get down on the floor and join her she was sadly mistaken... the shapes she was pulling in front of me was enough to stiffen my joints and loosen my bowels at the same time. That's more than enough exercise for one lady for one day. Thank you kindly.

Himself is still up a hill. Well strictly not. Down at the Scout hall - but he has been there since 6, and the dinner is now drying out in the oven. Tooli has completed her quick 5k which turned out to be 2k, because the rain came on.

Boy has picked up his pencil again, and made his brain work. I was delighted with his efforts.

All in all a sterling weekend for the Cruse household. Lots of eating, lots of drinking, lots of words, lots of hills and to night - some quiet time and a bottle du vin before another week.

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