Sunday.. typically a rest day??? I think not!

Certainly not for this pair of hard working Great Tits!! They are being successful with the two remaining chicks who are growing stronger by the day. Until yesterday they didnt venture from the deep nest hole the mother insists on making deeper almost every day. With the cooler weather they have been wise to stay tucked in but it reduced the photo ops for me!! The centre photograph is the male moving warily towards the nest because I was sitting in full view with a camera in hand and he has an enormous caterpillar for one of the chicks!! Quite a feast and these seem to arrive every few minutes!! Both parents arrive with beakfuls of bugs and seem to live in terror of the screaming babies. One of them opens its beak wide and when the food is popped in it closes its beak so tight over the parents head that while they retract the baby is almost lifted clear out of the nest. At first I thought the mother was pulling it up by its tongue but the body language of the parent says the chick is the aggressor !!! So the parents are learning to deliver the food more and more quickly then stand back looking in horror!!! I think you can see that from the picture of the post feed parent I have included!

I appreciate that the clarity is not that great on these shots but I still haven't worked out how to take a picture of the television screen and get a better photo. So I am sorry about that.

To have a catch up you could look here for the arrival day and here for some more.

We started with 7.. and now there are 2.. do hope they make it safely out of the nest and on into life

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