Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

It never rains….

Lie in this morning after the past few days. They have been long, tiring and stressful.
Went out to do some shopping and came back around noon. When we arrived home last night the floor in the kitchen was more warped than it had been before. We had a leak in the dishwasher a while ago and this caused some of the damage. At least that time we didn’t flood downstairs. Always a worry for me living in a top floor flat.
J had put the washing machine on before we left and I decided to check under the cabinets when we got back.
Yep, the washing machine has been leaking. I don't think for a long time and not a full flood.
Took the washing machine out and checked the pipe. All seems to be secure and dry. Took the back off to find the bottom full of water. Must be part of the pump system as I defiantly heard water being pumped down the drain before and there isn't enough water on the floor for a full leak.
After this I checked the other side of the kitchen cabinets to find it was wet over that side as well. So nothing for it but to pull the laminate up. Half the kitchen floor is wet.
Looks like a bit of time arguing with insurance companies this week. Not what I wanted to be sorting out after everything else.
Still at latest we know the source now.
This is part of the laminate flooring that is defiantly distorted and won't be going back down.
Off up town to have a look for some holiday clothes in the sun, as we are away in a few weeks. Hopefully have more luck there.
This will be my entry for the weekly blip challenge.

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