Welcome to my world...

By KatJ

Roller Disco

Absolutely brilliant day out!

My friend K and I took our girls (who are best friends) to RollerDisco.com in Vauxhall. Have never been before but it was ace! Two roller skating disco floors, cheesy music and disco balls a plenty! Loved it! Really took us back to our 80s youth!

We arrived when it opened at 11am and were the first ones there which meant we had the floor to ourselves for a while to re discover our skating legs. The marshalls were brilliant with their instruction too!

The place was soon quite packed out and there was a real vibe. Three hours later we decided to head on up to the Southbank to get some lunch. A little liquid refreshment was definitely in order ;-)

After lunch the girls wanted to play in the fountains outside the Royal Festival Hall and there was conveniently an outside bar selling prosecco there so it would have been rude not to!

A bit of whingeing followed when the girls emerged soaking wet and chilly from the fountains (they had been warned that this would happen!) and we nearly headed for the station then but the girls were desperate to go play in the Jubilee playground by the London Eye.

K and I ended up sat in Jubilee park chatting, drinking wine and eating nibbles (purchased from M&S) whilst the girls (who soon dried off) alternated between the playground and yet more skating around the park. Another few (5!) hours passed before we realised it was getting dark and reluctantly dragged ourselves back to Waterloo Station to catch the train home!

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