Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

The wee man walks!

I was intending to write about how the 11 hour flight went, and how well behaved the wee man was but he trumped his own story this morning. I don't know what's in it but they should bottle up the soil here in California and ship it abroad. The wee man has been in the US less than 24 hours and he's already mastered the art of toddling!

He didn't just do it once either. He repeatedly turned and walked back and forth between me and his mum - his face changing from trepidation to cheer glee as he realised his feet feat. They'll be no stopping him now!

Unfortunately the camera stayed at home today. Following a jet-lagged disturbed sleep, we had a fairly quite day shopping for provisions (nappies, toy cars and PS4s). I did take the wee man for a quick dip in the pool but on the whole it was fairly subdued.

Hopefully we'll all sleep better tonight. The wee man is certainly going to need his energy if he's to keep up this walking malarkey!

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