Mair Scenery

This is the best place in the world, so it is. Though the weather does help. A long walk round the headland from Calgary Bay to Caillaich. And back. And a snooze in the dunes behind the beach. And walking there I was astonished to see a puddle full of tadpoles. These things still are with us? I thought they'd disappeared with the end of primary school. Like green beans in a jam jar behind blotting paper. Or blotting paper for that matter.
Anyway, on to Tobermory* and it was still sunny! But the Mishnish has closed down? Luckily I'd booked the 'Golden Galleon' for my burger and skinny fries. And Rioja. See this B&b though? Class! They have the New Statesman in the reading pile. And free drams (well, for a contribution). It's like being in an independent Scotland. Without all that hassle.

*famous for Welshmaid being shat upon by a seagull.

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