A Big Adventure
The promised sunshine and warmth materialised today which meant sitting out in the front garden in my dressing gown - yes, it was warm enough at 8.30.
Today Archie had a Big Adventure. He went on a bus! We took the bus the short jaunt around the Meadows, then walked to Summerhall. They have a nice outdoor bar area there, and anyway, the pub used to be the Small Animals Hospital when it was a vet school, up until fairly recently. The whole school is now studios and exhibition space, a pub, a brewery and distillery (gin).
There are outdoor tables and lots of kids and dogs and people for Archie to look at. He was SO good - just sat in the shade under the table, watched all the goings on and didn’t bark or whine, even when other dogs did. He did get a fright and have to sit up on the seat for a while when a child gave an awful scream nearby (they were playing pirates nicely for a while, but it all ended in tears).
We walked all the way back. Archie did not use the facilities at all. I think he thinks he can only pee and poo at home…
He does have the habit of stopping and staring at some folk till they walk by. He met more toddlers and bikes and two wee yappy dogs and a big dog. The toddlers were quite timid of dogs, so we assured the mum that he was OK to pat. They were delighted and kept calling, ‘Bye Archie!’ as they went away. This wee chap on his bike wasn’t so keen, but I was very impressed that he could go on a two wheeler on his own. His Dad is away down the path. Once he’d stopped, he was as yet unable to get started again.
I don’t know about Archie with his tiny wee legs - but I was cream crackered.
Home to watch the tennis and snooze (moi) just snooze (Archie) pop into town for a look (JR). It’s still sunny and warm outside and we’ve just fired up the BBQ for the first time! The burgers were pretty good. I think the smell was rather tempting for Archie, because he kept trying to get up on our knees. I put him on the door mat, where he just stayed and looked back at us with a wee sad face. Then he went into his bed.
What a Big Day for wee fella.
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