Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Red Bird and Penguin

My lad went to a friend's birthday party today. Ice skating. Never done anything like it before. Loved it. Daughter, who didn't get to stay, wanted to. Ooooooh, she wanted to. We'll be back for the four of us to fall over together. Anyway, this was my favourite of the photos I took, in large part because of my lols when I noticed the beak of his hat, and the beak of the penguin he was pushing around. ;-)

Click to enbeakenate.

Blurry, but I love this of my boy, so have to share:

My boy by -Occasionally Focused-

And this of missy:

Angry? Bird by -Occasionally Focused-

Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC on Pentax K-30.

And I note that I was expecting yesterday to be the end of the month, and indeed posted so. Y'know, 30 days hath September, and May, and some others too. xP Whoops. Just about attached the Industar this morning, before mrs tsuken reminded me it wasn't actually June yet.

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