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Went for a walk along the edge of the receding tide at South End Snells Beach late this morning. Looking to see if there were any bird species not yet recorded with a photo. There were not. The usual suspects were present and I got a number of good photos.

I've chosen this one, partly because of the preciseness of the focus, but mainly because I like the cocky angle at which the head is held.

This is Kawaupaka, the Small Shag, in the white throated phase. The shag I blipped two days ago, was the same species; in the pied phase. Most of the shags I saw that lunchtime were Kawaupaka. One (at least) was Karuhiruhi; the Pied Shag. I did wonder if one which was a little too far away to see clearly, was a Little Black Shag. Depending on the way it is facing the white throated phase can masquerade as being all black. The colour and shape of the beak distinguishes them.

All the shags seen today were Kawaupaka.

Worth a look in large

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