Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Collections: Pet Hates

I cannot put my finger on how or why it happened, but I must admit to a number of pet hates which by now are so well entrenched in my psyche that there's no hope at all of growing out of them.

Concentrating on food-related ones, three vegetables I simply cannot stand are Broccoli, Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts. Potatoes are just about tolerable when they're roasted or made into potato cakes, but otherwise I'd rather not see them on my plate. In the non-vegetable area, coconut is a definite no-no (though, as with potatoes, my abhorrence is focused on one manifestation in particular: desiccated coconut -- coconut milk is fine, and Malibu and Pineapple is a drink I enjoy occasionally even though the Malibu bit is coconut based).

So this is part of my collection of pet hates. When it came to tracking them down, I failed to find any Brussels Sprouts (I guess they must be seasonal, and that's why they're fobbed off on an unsuspecting public at Christmastime). I've restrained myself and left it at food stuffs. If I went on to mention traffic lights (far too many of them, stupidly located, idiotically sequenced, nonsensically prioritised), or speed bumps, or traffic cones, or bus lanes, or pay & display parking, or clampers, or backpacks, or crowd control barriers, or take-a-ticket 'service', or call centres, or house alarms that go off in the middle of the night and are blissfully ignored, or drivers who can't park properly in a parking space, or tradesmen who don't turn up when they say they will -- if I included any of these I'd just blow a gasket and would pass a Grumpy Old Man exam with flying colours.

So let's leave it at these four pet hates for now. A small collection, but one I'm passionately committed to.

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