
By Alberta

Misty morning

A lovely morning not the usual May temperatures though and here we are nearly in June! We rode out this morning another preparatory ride for our bike tour which starts next week.. And lunch out in the local town then back to do my VAT which I had left to the very last few days before it was due to finalise. Anway all done now and now I am here in France for a while so time to settle in and get on top of things ...

It had been a frantic week with losing my phone and all .. and getting it back amazingly. I mentally retraced my steps and found the point in my mind where the phone was no longer there ... and that was in the restaurant where I had breakfast with my publisher. And just before that I had gone to the loo which was not in the restaurant but in a communal courtyard.. so we phone the restaurant and asked them if they had it and they didn't and so we asked if they would put a note on the door of the loo and they did and someone replied!! With the phone!! How about that.. so my PA's husband who works in London collected it and it should be on its way to me here in France now!

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