
By RoseFamily

Can we stay?

Leaving such a beautiful place is hard. We will just have to come visit again.
The boys slept well, Nathaniel didn't wake until just before 6am (brilliant for him) and Bay managed a 2.5hr sleep to start the night, then back to his 1-2hr wake ups, but at least was easy to settle/feed to sleep each time. Think we have finished this leap hooray! We had a delicious speedy breakfast in the very ornate dining room (surprising how loud Bay can be when there are only business people in a room). Then time for another swim before it was time to leave (boo hoo).
Kat was visiting from Baltimore, do we've had a great afternoon of playing and resting books. Think Nathaniel has taken quite a shine to Kat as he keeps presenting his toys and books to her, and Bay is turning on his usual smiley charmer routine for meeting his Godmother.
We all went for supper at Pizza Express. Our table looked like a bomb of dough, salad, toys, pasta, sticker books, red wine, chocolate sauce and wet wipes had gone off; but thankfully we just about survived the chaos of two tired little ones.
Lovely to catch up with Kat, we miss her lots!

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