Return to the North

By Viking

I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!

Today is a day I have been looking forward to for a VERY long time- probably since about October in fact.

Back in October a good friend told me she was expecting twins - her first babies and two in one go, excellent news. I caught up with her just before Xmas (up until which point she had been in Aus) and she had a football size bump in front if her - impossibly small bump. How right I was - I saw her on the 21st December and by 28th the twins were born - at just 24 weeks! Their due date was mid APRIL!!!

Obviously E and W have had a real battle to fight already in their young lives. But after amazing care at Wellington SCBU and then when they could be transferred, Nelson SCBU they are finally home. They still have to be careful about who they meet, how much they go out etc but they are both doing well and both around the 3.5kg mark.

Today I got to see them both for the first time. I got to hold W here pretty much all afternoon while he slept in my arms. Strangely bearing in mind I have had no children of my own I seem to have a knack with babies. They settle with me really well ( I reckon it's my squidginess which is somehow comforting!)

These two boys are very very precious and today I feel truly blessed to have met them both.

The photo is crap because it is an iPhone shot of the screen of my camera, download cable still down south. But it had to be my blip today because it is one of the most precious days I've had for a long time

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