
By kevinG

Motion Sensors

Woke up this morning and scoured the Internet for my interview which Mom's cousin Valerie says she saw on Fox 5.

I can't find it anywhere Val, help me out!!! Did I talk a lot? Did I sound stupid? Did I look as dashingly handsome as always? How was my HAIR? These are important questions!!

Nick today told me he figured out what's was wrong with my Blipfoto in two words, "it's bland." Good to know you feel that way ABOUT MY LIFE. REAL SELF ESTEEM BOOSTER, AREN'T YA???

I helped Courtney Gannon with some ideas for a surreal Graphic Arts project. She drew it up beautifully and I'm really excited to see it chopped.

Stayed after for a preliminary Wrestling meeting. I didn't learn much; I'll have to wring the information out of Sean Ryder and Will Goldrick tomorrow.

Right when I arrived home Dad picked me up to go to an audition. When the train arrived in NYC I got chocolate and red velvet frozen yogurt.

The audition was average; a voice over for Sketchers.

When I go to auditions in this studio, Endeavor, my dad and I always go to the store across the street, Abracadabra.

I don't even know how to describe it, they sell costumes, novelty items, Halloween decorations, magic tricks, and more stuff I'm probably forgetting. This picture is one of their Halloween decorations.

Weird, right?

I bought a laser pointer, so I'm really excited about that. Probably can't bring it into school though because who even knows what they would do?

Went back to Old Mill and begged Mom to take me to Mac N Pizza because I'd never been. After finally convincing her, the place looked so disgusting we left.

Now I'm going to bed.


Today's Random Thoughts:

Motion sensors on public bathroom toilets bother me. That could easily be a camera, no one would know, and it's right at crotch level.

Just think about it.

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