Strange journey

By hrund

Comfort zone

This is Sirri. A motivational speaker and journalist and writer. She was a speaker at a women´s night in our village and asked for a volunteer to go out of the comfort zone and stand up and join her in front of everybody (over 200 women) and tell them something nice about ourselves and what the person next to you had said nice also. No one volunteered to go I went..... don't know what came over me but after listening to her talk about stepping out of the ordinary I just wanted to do it. I´m the shyest person in the world and my legs started shaken....but it felt really good afterwards. Best thing was I could make people laugh.....which made me feel amazing :)
Thank you all for great night.

ps. 28. of May is the day I hate the most .... the day my dad died in 1993. So maybe it gave me extra strength to challenge myself :)

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