Gorsedd Stones

Tynnais i lun o'r Cerrig yr Orsedd ym Mharc Bute pan ro'n i ar fy ffordd i'r gwaith yn y glaw bore 'ma. Aeth ein ffrind Mervi yn ôl i Ffindir heddiw. Mae e wedi bod gwych i dreulio amser gyda hi. Mwynheuon ni fynd allan gyda hi o gwmpas yr ardal a thynnu lluniau. Roedd e'n ysbrydoli i wylio hi pan roedd hi'n tynnu lluniau. Roedd hi'n ffotograffydd proffesiynol ac mae hi'n edrych yn naturiol gyda chamera. Tynnodd hi lun o'r cerflun Buddha y tu allan ein drws ddoe, a dyn ni'n meddwl ei bod hi'n wych. Dyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at weld ei Blips hi pan mae hi'n adre yn Rovaniemi - yn arbennig yr haul canol nos yng nghanol yr haf

I took a picture of the Gorsedd Stones in Bute Park when I was on my way to work in the rain this morning. Our friend Mervi went back to Finland today. It's been great to spend time with her. We enjoyed going out with her around the area and take photos. It was inspiring to watch her ​​when she was taking pictures. She was a professional photographer and she looks natural with a camera. She took a picture of the Buddha statue outside our door yesterday, and we're think it is brilliant. We're looking forward to seeing her Blips when she is home in Rovaniemi - especially the midnight sun in mid-summer.

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