By the power of.....

greyskull chocolate finger.

Grotty night.
Little man was unsettled, nothing major, just unsettled. Thus, sleep was quite hard to come by. Charlotte woke around 5:40 so early start didn't help much either.

Headed out to tewkesbury this morning to a pub with soft play area. omg it was heaving, and when I say heaving, I mean heaving. Charlotte had a blast, I'm not sure if C and E had quite as much fun as Charlotte, but good fun was had by all.

Had cunning plan to head from here to a big Sainsburys which is one junction up on the motorway. Plan was.... Nappy change, lunch stop, buy clothes, go home.

Parts one and three were pretty successful, part two was disaster. Joined a queue for food, bearing in mind it was 11:40 I was surprised by this. Panini ordered for me, fish fingers, Mash and peas for Charlotte. I should have spotted the warning signals and given up whilst I could but..... Order numbers were being given to wrong people, people were paying for food they had not ordered etc.

After fifteen minutes Charlotte's food came out, it was hot, very hot, but she is well practised at blowing to cool food down. I asked after my panini and was told it was just coming. By the time Charlotte had eaten her food, explored a little and got grumpy my panini still had not arrived. I asked the lady bringing food out what was going on, was told it was in its way! Enough was enough, I asked for my money back, I could hardly sit and eat it with Charlotte having eaten and wanting to sleep, William being good as gold but needing milk!!!!!! Was told I would have to wait for a manager!

I told them I was leaving, amazingly by the time I had negotiated the trolley out of the cafe, there was a Sainsburys person with my refund and £5 voucher!

Hat, Gruffalo pants and short sleeved pyjamas purchased and back to the car. Charlotte was asleep before we had got out of the carpark.

Home, sleep for little ones, jobs for me. Quiet afternoon of playing. Charlotte enjoyed her chocolate finger treat.

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