it all takes time

By Don2532

Mention not did I get

oh well

Sorry just updated picture with square crop version

And thanks for comments. I am trying to comment and reply to comments but as always fail mostly.

Blip is a funny old place. If you look back through my calendar you would see a number of holes where blips are missing. They aren't missing because I've not taken a photo on that day, I haven't missed a single day since I started, its just that I don't always feel able to Blip. As others on Blip are I am still battling away with depression and the sliding scale of blipping and comments are pretty good indicator on how life is. One day I hope to look back on this time as a sad part of my life that I managed to get through. For now I'll blip and comment when I can. PS Blip is a funny old place because its very hard to leave even when the original objective of reaching 365 blips is achieved. A lot of people have already said it but it is a fabulous community.

PPS I blame John Gravett for the crop! I moved the bud below the flower up the stem in photoshop so I could crop closer. Can't trust a photo

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