Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Kerr looks a bit mischevious in this photo, but very cute too.

Today we took all the decorations down for another year. We are still not getting out much due to the weather. However Chris took Fudge to Strathclyde Park for a walk and said the loch is almost all frozen over now. I've never seen it like that before.

Mum and dad babysat for Kerr tonight while we went out for a lovely meal for my friend's birthday. It was the first time we have both been out together and left Kerr - he seemed to get on ok although it took mum about an hour to get him finally off to sleep. We think he is protesting because the spare room in their house is all decorated pink and girly for my two nieces.

Had a nice meal at Smiths restaurant with Jill and Andy. It was so cold in the car on the way home - the temperature was -8. Brrr!!

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