My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Mutant Turtle - No Mutant Foxglove

This weird phenomenon has occurred on three foxgloves this year, twice on the white and once on a pink. It's always on the very top flower and all the rest of them are normal. It looks similar to a Hollyhock flower but twice the size. They are growing by an old decaying tree stump and I wonder if that has anything to do with it, does anyone know?
I will be away for a few days so depending on whether I can get an Internet signal blipping might be a bit erratic. I will do my best to post blips and comment but if you don't hear from me I will catch up with your journals in due course and back blip on my return. I'm really looking forward to meeting up with three fellow blippers and two very beautiful stars of blip, they could well feature on one of my journal entries! All I need now is for some dry weather!

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