Dogcorner's gentleman

Max took in the brisk morning air on the piazza. Drawn by the sun, he inspected his territory, but moved to warmer quarters for his morning nap. He's purring and milling about now for his lunch. He looks pretty dapper still for his years approaching 18. He's thin, but still can jump onto the table and counters. It's his daily turn to go up in the loft so Raspberry can have her piazza chance. She likes to watch the chipmunks flashing by. I doubt if she'll stay long, she doesn't care for cool temps. If they could only settle on a truce, it would be so much nicer.

For the Record.
This day came in cold( we had a very cold night) with lots of sunshine and an east wind keeping it chilly. Looks good for the weekend, we have T's niece's wedding.

All hands healthy

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