Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Super Sweet 16

Well it's L's birthday today.
I'm afraid there was no MTV style 16th parties. Just a simple curry out.

I was getting worried that we hadn't eaten out for at least 2 days!

All he wanted was money for new cymbals - should have enough by now for a full new set!

Couple of bits 'n pieces in the morning - but then had a rare afternoon of free research. Thinking "What'll we build next". I'm looking at a new(ish) mobile technology called "NFC" (near field communications). It's like having a London Underground "Oyster" card or a Visa "Contactless" card glued to the back of your phone.

But as its connected to your phone, I can also talk remotely to it from my servers.

The idea is to integrate it with my mobile phone boarding pass system (you can get a demo here) and have boarding passes that you just "Touch and go" with your mobile phone.

It also means I get to buy some new phones to play with!

More car trouble tho! Hyundai is going great, but in a rush to get in and out of the house - for some reason, the door locked behind me (you guessed it - only one key - and that's in the ignition). Thankfully - having bought it from an AA patrol man, he's going to swing past tomorrow and break in to get it.

He's a real car ernthusiast and has offered to do up the Porsche for the summer! Might just take him up on that!

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