
By AnthonyBailey

A creepy-crawly haven


This was one of several exhibits outside Chiswick library, part of Chelsea Fringe - The Alternative Garden Festival - 17th May to 8th June 2014.

'The first Chelsea Fringe took place in 2012 and is a new festival for everyone who’s interested in gardens and gardening. With its emphasis on participation (most events are free), the Fringe is also about pushing the boundaries – its inaugural programme included a peripatetic bicycling beer garden, a floating forest installation in Portobello dock, an aromatic ‘garden of disorientation’ as well as pop-up community gardens and horticultural happenings of all hues. Anyone can enter a project – as long as it’s interesting, legal and about gardens, flowers, veg-growing or landscape.
The Chelsea Fringe coincides and overlaps with the RHS Chelsea Flower Show but is completely independent of it. The Fringe is entirely powered by volunteers.'
Chelsea Fringe website

The notice in the picture says:
‘Bugingham Palet
Bug Hotel
This bug hotel is created to encourage mini-beasts to find homes to nest in or to escape from predators and bad weather. We hope to encourage different kinds of bees, woodlice, spiders, ladybirds, and lacewings, beetles and centipedes. Look carefully in case you can spot them but please be nice to them and don’t tease them or offend them by saying “yuk” or “I hate spiders” within earshot. They need a home too! And if we don’t have any insects, we won’t have any birds either..or any fruit…'

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