it's a turquoise damsel...

or perhaps - a black damsel - with turquoise markings

i have no idea - what i do know - is that i've not seen one with these type of exotic colorings and markings before - it sort of makes me think - reminiscent of tribal drawings you might see - like on earrings or jewelry - so i was drawn to this one - that and the fact - he pushed his way into my line of sight - because i'd been shooting a different damsel originally - chatting up a storm with it

when suddenly - this one came flying onto - the same little blade of grass - shameless, he was - what was i to do? you really don't mess with the damselfly - seeing his coloring - knowing i'd not been privy to the beautiful turquoise before - i simply had no choice - and told him so - he'd won me over - he'd get his 15 minutes of fame - in my journal today - i swear - i could almost see him preen - if a damsel does such a thing - at the very least - i'm certain - for him - it made for...


happy day.....

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