Out for a wee spin

Went for a quick spin up the coast. Weather lovely today. Came back and called in on some cronies and had a good catch and going there for dinner next week, at this rate we are going to be stuffed!no1 son was left to his own devices and managed to get his social security no and sort his bank stuff and he's off to an open mike session this evening so feeling happy he is fitting in though as his mother I still find myself saying things like "don't be too big headed etc. I need to shut up or he will be glad to see the back of me!
Caught the side of the verge with that stupid tank today,there was much swearing coming from the passenger seat! Junctions are fine for the most part though I did manage to cut up the biggest truck you ever saw(more swearing) Going to chill in tonight and see where tomorrow takes us.

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