Lucy wants a beach hut....
As usual we were the last ones on the beach,it was about 7.30 or so when we packed up ... A leisurely start to he day and some shopping in the village,then a trip over to Ilfracombe to buy ice creams and new crocs for myself and Tit's McGee ..... Back to Saunton sands and the beach hut .. Cheesy chips and hot coffee and the girls went all blue cheese looking again ... flora looked like she was dead at one point,her skin was a livid purple ...... Indeed she looked like Violet Boregarde from the original Willy Wonka film .. You know ,the bit when she turns into a blueberry ....
The rain pretty much missed us but I see photos from back home it's torrential .......
We are meant to be getting a few light showers tomorrow .. (Not on our bodies) ........
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