A New Visitor

Lillian came running upstairs this morning, shouting I must get my camera!! She saw this lovely new visitor on the garden wall with an Indian Myna.

I ran to R jn's bedroom window as instructed by her! On opening the window, she thought they had disappeared, but thank goodness, they were sitting on the roof of her quarters!!

The myna flew off, but this little stranger just sat there, meters from the window! What a miracle!! I got a few shots, some not so good, some better, this one surely the best of all!

We searched our Bird Books and lots of Internet sites, cannot find this one!! Maybe because the summer colours are different, or it might still be very young and the colours not really fully developed yet, I am só disappointed! But I will keep on looking and will let you know as soon as I was able to identify it!!


Thanks to ~hinden (Penoso) my bird is identified! Thx H, deeply appreciated!! Please check

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