
By Valerie1940

Proper books - you can't smell a kindle!

A remark on my yesterday's blip about the books on my shelf prompted me to share my beautiful books with you. There are 100 in total - a collection published by Franklyn Library in 1974 called 'The 100 greatest books of all time'. Issued at the rate of one a month for the fixed sum of £12 each - you had to agree to take all of them - it took over 8 years to complete the collection.(by the end of which time the £12 seemed very cheap for such quality books) And quality they are - they are completely bound in real leather - each one different in colour, type of leather, or decoration on the cover; the pages are edged with gold; the endpapers and bookmark ribbon are moire silk in a colour appropriate for the leather outside; the paper and font varies to reflect the content - The Great Gatsby, for instance, is very delicate pale grey calf leather and a copperplate font for the headings wheres Moby Dick is hard black leather and bold plain font. The Confessions of Saint Augustine has rich purple silk, and the paper is printed to look like parchment with illuminated pages at the beginning of each chapter. I think the photo is clear enough for you to be able to appreciate the visual beauty - but you can't feel or smell them! If you want to get an idea of what they look like altogether you can see them here

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