Two Seasons Of The Grizzly
This Grizzly cactus is showing signs of two seasons. The cactus figs, or "tunas" in Spanish, are the red oval parts. Those are the edible fruit of the cactus. They are used to make juices, jelly and candy. The flowers were originally at the tips of where the tunas are now. This shows the end of the flowering season.
Flowers, which bloomed in April, are getting ready to bloom again in the beginning of June. Notice the sharp edged oval green parts. Flower buds will develop from them (you can even see two buds beginning to emerge now). This Grizzly cactus is covered with them. Apparently, what I showed you that Brad was doing yesterday is paying off!
EDIT: See the emerging bud top, just left of center? Look at the base of the bud. It is green now, but in the future after the flower falls off and dies it will turn red and become a tuna, the fruit of the cactus.
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