An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Ladies Who Lunch...

When it comes to choosing a blip it's always famine or feast for me. Most days I struggle to find something to blip then there are days like today, when I'm spoiled for choice.

I could have blipped some of the lovely Perth architecture I photographed today (Trinity Church and the AK Bell library) but this shot made me smile and when given the choice David chose this one too, so there you have it. It's also quite fitting as I'm meeting my friend Alison for lunch tomorrow, which means I've been out for lunch three times this week. Such a terrible habit I seem to have gotten into!

We were at the library this morning interviewing for Support Workers (or PAs to give them their proper title) for Alan. We interviewed three very different people who, I'm delighted to say, were all perfect in their individual ways. I was exhausted but happy by the end of it. Next step is to invite them to come and meet Alan and depending on how that goes, we can make final decisions on whether we offer the post and they can decide if they want it.

So after an intensive morning I was delighted when D suggest we go to Gloagburn for lunch. It was lovely to relax and have time to chat. And he MADE me have a bit of caramel shortcake. Would not take no for an answer. And being the dutiful wife that I am, I couldn't refuse. It was yummy awful though so the calories don't count.


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