
By MelanieMay

"I wanna hold your hand"

This is not the usual thing I write about but I can't not mention what a romantic passionate place Mexico City appears to be. It is full of people holding hands, kissing, touching, lying in each other's arms and cries of mi amour when calling to each other. These very public displays of affection are enjoyed by everybody, young and old, and by the spectators too. Everybody is in a couple from fives years old and up, it would seem. Even the homeless people have paired up and sleep together cuddled up tight. Far from being seen as inappropriate, everyone here does it or comments on how nice and romantic it is or how in love people seem. I was hypnotised by it and couldn't stop staring or taking photographs, not because I'm some peeping Tom but because I actually found it so touching and heart warming. So here goes, big realisation I had when away, gulp, I think I may be, just may be, a romantic. Fuck! When did that happen, and how do I make it stop? I realised that, as much as I have loved and do love being single, I really miss the affection that comes with being close with someone. I miss getting those electric feelings when your hand accidentally brushes against the hand of someone and then the glimmer of possibility that they may just take your hand and not let go and that lovely heart thumping moment when they do. I haven't held a guys hand since September and it may not seem like a big deal and it isn't, but to me, as someone who really notices and enjoys the little things in life, it's something I miss. On the plus side though, I know how electric that feeling is going to be the next time it does happen and this makes me happy.

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