
By FredaH

More Waiting:

It started at 3.15am with great news - my hand and arm were completely free of pain and discolouration. That was certainly worth celebrating.

My op had been rescheduled for today and my overnight infusion of heparin was terminated to allow it to take place at about 1pm. So Nil-by-mouth was quite happily in place all morning while the Sri Lankan registrar outlined the risks of surgery. He returned at 12.45pm to query whether I had had an ECG this week. No? Then I'd better have one. When that was done the question of an echo-angiogram was raised. Until he produced the word in writing I was unable to understand his English. It was decided that, although I was now due in theatre, I should have one. This was when I discovered I could now feel a pulse.

That meant delay and complications as it was now felt I should have a contrast medium, which had not been necessary previously. For some reason the contrast meant the Cardiologist appeared and involved himself.

My appointment for theatre was now overdue and at 3.13pm cc and katkatkat were waiting for me in the corridor. The surgeon saw them pushing me back to the ward and caught up with us to say he had an emergency and couldn't do my op. However he was delighted with my progress and wanted to postpone surgery until tomorrow.

At 7.30pm he appeared at my bedside once again, checked my pulse, cancelled my aspirin, prescribed something else and said I could go home tomorrow.

So Greystoke, here I come!

PS: At 11.30pm, we were all whisked out of our roo and pushed down a long corridor into another room!!!

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