For the Briefest of Moments

Disclosure - Tenderly

It's difficult to endure loss. When something is completely and utterly gone, the "undo" button or the reverse switch is only a concept of the mind that plagues the darkest of thoughts and behaviors. You can subside to the truth that it no longer exists, delving further into deeper truths of emptiness and despair, or you can find another truth in seeing the good that it has done. The moment they smile, hug or find a sense of resolution, as brief as they may be, they turn the course of your own history into making a step forward; a real step forward where you can walk unabashedly into the light.

Trying to change the past is futile and an exercise in pain. The only good out of it is using its platform to raise you to another level of consciousness. What was done will be reflected, if you did good, you shall receive in kind and vice versa. Should you wish to project unmitigated and undeserved feelings of the past onto the beautiful future, it will die and become you. And as difficult as it is to throw away the most beautiful of moments or objects that remind you, it is sustained through its transferred energy, in that a person's "spirit" will be translated and sent expressed through you.

Despite a person dying there are after effects. I still think of my grandmothers, I still think of my friend who was fatally hit by a car, I still think of my friend who died of cancer and I still think of the loves that I have lost. They have not died as they are still living in your head, affecting your every move towards your future. Whether by pure original choice or by "flow" of influence, nothing ever truly dies. Don't beat yourself up about it, you know you've done good. The light has shone, even for the briefest of moments.

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