
By Igor

May Sisters’ Challenge; merry

This is the only ‘thing’ that can be described as anything like ‘merry’ in our household today. The expression is more of a smirk or smug even, than merry; blithe, bright, sunny, light-hearted, buoyant, bubbly, lively, carefree - and the real clincher - without a care in the world.

We’re suffering from cabin-fever. Rain since last friday (apart from a brief respite on sunday) has frustrated all our plans. We have plenty of things we need to do and want to do. But they all involve being outside. Anniemay, who would easily win the optimist of the year competition if there were such a thing, is drooping round the house like our rain-sodden plants.

Those of a certain age might remember a Tony Hancock radio programme, lamenting being stuck at home with nothing to do; Oh dear ….. Oh dear, Oh dear …. (sigh) … Stone me, what a life …

I suggest a trip to the local tile shop - having agreed to re-tile the shower room - and like a forgotten plant that’s finally been given some water, she perks up. We make a list; a trip to the charity shop to dispose of rubbish previously loved items, various DIY shops to look for bathroom fittings - and suddenly our spirits rise and we become the very embodiment of merry……….well almost! (Anniemay added that last bit).

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