Anatomical Position. GX1, Leitz Summicron 50mm DR
This gentleman lives on the x-ray control panel. One can tap on any one of those circled areas and a more-or-less appropriate x-ray technique will pop up for the chosen body part - all except for one which seems to have gone missing. Maybe it was all the radiation... Or one can ignore him and choose the technique which experience has shown to be correct. Or one can let the machine decide, somewhat like Aperture or Shutter Priority. He is in what is called "anatomical position": as the doctor would see the patient if they were standing face to face, hands with palms forward. All x-ray images are presented to the radiologist for interpretation with the body part positioned as if the patient were in anatomical position. It means that left becomes right and vice versa and can be quite confusing at first.
On the right are the various segments of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral.
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