
By JuneFox

A & E

Spent last night in A & E after being doubled up with pains across my upper abdomen. Have had this three times over the last year but it's always disappeared after ten to fifteen minutes, however this time it wasn't going away. Luckily my son was here and called for an ambulance as I couldn't move. A paramedic arrived and put me on a paracetamol drip and waited for the ambulance to arrive to take me to hospital. After being examined and blood and urine samples taken - it was a matter of waiting for the results to come back. Apart from one of the liver results being slightly high (which they said was nothing to worry about) everything was normal. After ruling out the possible causes they were stumped as to what had caused it and are referring me for an ultrasound. Finally arrived back home at 6.30 this morning. Glad to say i'm feeling much better again this evening.

Feeling shattered, I went back to bed and didn't wake up until 2pm! Took it easy the rest of the day (didn't want to overdo it as i'm meant to be going to Spain on Tuesday evening) and of course no chance to grab a photo . Unfortunately therefore, it's a quick snap of the hospital off the internet!!

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