Oh no, it's raining again ...
I'm thoroughly fed up with the European Elections. The rise of the right is very, very depressing. But right now what’s annoying me it the BBC, who can’t stop giving UKIP endless free publicity ... both before and after the election results.
No one has said;
The Labour Party actually got the biggest proportion of the vote.
UKIP did not do well outside of the cities.
The Green Party doubled its EU Election vote.
In fact the Green Party has more councillors, and MPs than UKIP – but the BBC still insist UKIP is now the third biggest political party.
No one (other than Woman’s’ Hour) has mention that the first ever Feminist Candidate won a seat in Sweden.
Or that the liberal left are still the biggest grouping in Europe.
I've always been politically active but increasingly I'm shutting down. My views and opinions haven't changed but I'm finding the issues that distress me most are beyond my ability to protest and campaign. I no longer know how to you get people to understand that sexism anywhere (including the Polish Eurovision entry) feeds the attitude that women are to be seen (at best) as second-class citizens and sex objects and, at worst, inferior beings that shouldn't be educated, that can be kidnapped and bartered with or used as slaves?
That racist 'go home' campaigns mean that all immigrants feel undervalued and vulnerable – and no human being should be made to feel like that.
We watch 'Twelve Years a Slave' with horror and disgust for the past without looking at what's happening here and now – women are forced into the sex trade in fear of their lives – children work as slaves to provide us with chocolate – girls suffer FGM and forced marriage.
How many MEPs are discussing any of these issues?
Or indeed how many of the political groups on the left?
So what do I do?
I don't tolerate sexism, I write letters to my MP, I protest against UKIP and other racists ... but mainly I've shut-down. I take photographs, I have lunch with friends, I go to galleries, and I go to Cornwall, where I walk, swim and admire the views.
I occasionally rant, “someone should do something”, but that includes me ... and I don't know what to do!
I didn't mean to use Blip to express my political frustrations ... but this was why I didn't blip yesterday as it didn't seem relevant. I am a happy, relaxed person – if you meet me socially you won’t know about all this political anger. It doesn't impact on most of my everyday life – but just every now and again ... ... ... ... ...
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