Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Lazy but important

I'm using one of the photos I took for my blogpost today.

Autism Reframed is a flash post for Autism and Asperger's solidarity. It's an idea started by Gretchen Leary called #AutismisNotaCrime.
Everytime someone does something bad and they also are suspected to have autism/Asperger's, the autism gets the blame and everyone with autism feels persecuted. I read an article (in a really shitty paper) the other day that was trying to suggest even serial killers who hadn't been diagnosed with autism may actually have had autism! That's about as spurious as they come. And yet, people will read that nonsense and be suspicious of people with autism. It's slanderous, abusive and discriminatory. That's what it is and it needs to stop.

It should be illegal.

Well... I guess it is.

Anyway, we made it through another Bank Holiday. And it only rained once for about 2 minutes today. We took the dog for a walk on the beach at 7pm and it was really quiet.

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