Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Drambuie bubbles

Early start this morning and not feeling great after last nights beer and late finish.
Had to get down to Dynamic Earth to meet AMc from work to run the EMF 10K. A cold start to the day and very overcast. Looked like it was going to rain but didn't in the end.
Had an OK run so it felt. Hard around the 6K mark and defiantly difficult around the hill at 8.5K. Still looked at my watch towards the end to see I was under my 52min target and much closer to 50 mins. Tried hard but couldn't make up the time in the end and finished with a respectable 50:31 according to the text I got.
Said goodbye to AMc and headed home.
J got back from Leeds after seeing Prince last night. Shortly after the boys finally turned up. Good to see them. After a shower and some lunch RD arrived and we headed up to the whisky stramash.
3.5 hours of whisky drinking. Some great whisky’s and shows. This is Martin Duffy from Solid Liquids. We saw these guys last year and at a whisky cocktail event for RD birthday. This year they were working with Drambuie to create some cocktails and a few surprises. One of them was making bubble from liquid nitrogen, Drambuie and fairy liquid. Takes a bit of concentration.
Finished at the Stramash and went to get some beer and a fish supper before heading back to watch qualifying.
Great night out. Hic!!

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