
Poor daddy was ill in the night and was up every couple of hours, yet you slept soundly through till 7.30am.

I came home to take care of you, but daddy was doing a great job and had already taken you to the park with Col and Eliott.

We went up the Wirral to go and see gran who was working at a food festival and it was like a mud bath. I had you in the carrier which was perfect as many were struggling with prams. I did not think to put your wellies on, so within minutes of you walking, you were totally covered in mud, but soo happy. Squishing in the mud and stopping to stroke all the doggies that were there. We shared a yummy almond and orange cake and then I thought it best to head back home as it was very hot and very muddy.

We stopped to pick up daddy and went for a lovely walk in marbury. We tried to teach you about stinging nettles, but you just HAD to touch them. A few tears and it was all over. You might have learnt?? Just depends if you remember.

Lovely afternoon, daddy feeling better and you were down to sleep by 7.15pm, although you did not eat anything but a yogurt! I hope you still sleep soundly.

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